
李静,1995年生,2021年于天津大学计算机科学与技术专业获得硕士学位, 2018年于沈阳工业大学机械设计制造机器自动化专业获得学士学位。 现于中国电子科技大学长三角洲研究院任科研助理。 研究方向包括机器学习、数据挖掘、生物信息学、生物计算。


名称 描述
Predictor Thermophilic_proteins Prediction of thermophilic proteins using voting algorithm.(Paper)(Data
Type_III_secreted_effectors EP3: An ensemble predictor that accurately identifies type III secreted effectors.(Paper)(EP3Web
Methylation site HSM6AP: A high-precision predictor for the Homo sapiens N6-methyladenosine based on multiple weights and feature stitchin. under review.(HSM6AP
Eukaryotic mRNA subcellular localization SubLocEP: A novel ensemble predictor of Eukaryotic mRNA subcellular localization based on machine learning.(SubLocEP



  1. Jing Li, Leyi Wei, Fei Guo, Quan Zou. EP3: an ensemble predictor that accurately identifies type III secreted effectors, Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbaa008, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbaa008
  2. Jing Li, Fei Guo, and Quan Zou. HSM6AP: A high precision predictor for the Homo sapiens N6-methyladenosine (m^6 A) based on multiple weights and feature stitching, RNA Biology, under review
  3. Jing Li, Fei Guo, and Quan Zou. SubLocEP: A novel ensemble predictor of Eukaryotic mRNA subcellular localization based on machine learning.
  4. Jing Li pengfei Zhu and Quan Zou, Li J, Zhu P, Zou Q. Prediction of Thermophilic Proteins Using Voting Algorithm[C]//International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2019: 195-203.
