The thermal stability of proteins is very significant. With the Nobel Prize in Chemistry on October 9, 2013,the computational chemistry of “multi-scale model for complex chemical systems” was awarded, and the prediction of protein thermal stability by bioinformatics methods has become a research hotspot.
13 descriptors were extracted, whose principle were introduced. 13 features mentioned above were predicted in 24 classifiers of WEKA.
Our arm is to help users effectively identify proteins, especially non-professionals.
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- Chen, Z., et al., iFeature: a python package and web server for features extraction and selection from protein and peptide sequences. 2018.
- Cunningham, S.J. and G. Holmes. Developing innovative applications in agriculture using data mining. in The proceedings of the Southeast Asia regional computer confederation conference.
- Lin, H. and W.J.J.o.m.m. Chen, Prediction of thermophilic proteins using feature selection technique.
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Quan Zou, Ph.D. & Professor
Last modified date:26/11/2018