2014年5月至2016年6月,担任国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目《基于支持向量机的垃圾短信识别与拦截技术研究》项目主持人(编号:201410476029 教高司函〔2014〕58号)
2014年5月,作为本科生代表到德国法兰克福应用科技大学进行交流 完成《中德文化差异》的研究,通过交流扩宽了自己的见识,提升了自己的英语水平。
2015年全国大学生数学建模竞赛 河南赛区省二等奖
《中文版Flash CS6动画设计与制作》省级二等奖
[1].Kaiyang Qu; Ke Han; Song Wu; Guohua Wang; Leyi Wei. Identification of DNA-Binding Proteins Using Mixed Feature Representation Methods. Molecules, 2017, 22(10):1602.(SCI, IF2017=3.098)
[2].Zou Q, Qu K, Luo Y, Yin D, Ju Y and Tang H (2018) Predicting Diabetes Mellitus With Machine Learning Techniques. Front. Genet. 9:515. (SCI, IF2017=4.151)(Indians dataset comes from here, Luzhou dataset is private, so it cannot be pubilc.)
[3].Qu, KY, Guo, F, Liu, XR, Lin, Y, Zou, Q. Application of Machine Learning in Microbiology. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, 2019, 10,DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00827
[4].Qu, KY,Wei, LY, Yu, JT, Wang, CY. Identifying Plant Pentatricopeptide Repeat Coding Gene/Protein Using Mixed Feature Extraction Methods. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 2019, 9. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01961 .
[5].Qu, Kaiyang, Wei, Leyi,Zou, Quan. A Review of DNA-binding Proteins Prediction Methods. CURRENT BIOINFORMATICS, 2019,14: 246-254. DOI:10.2174/1574893614666181212102030
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