


名称 描述
Python系 Easy_Classify 快速生成全分类器测试报告(详细
Easy_Classify分布式版 基于MXNET的分布式Easy_Classify(开发中
Docker系 Docker_Hadoop 快速搭建Hadoop开发、部署环境(详细
Docker_Hadoop_Tomcat 快速搭建Hadoop网站开发、部署环境(详细
Java系 MSA2.0 集成后缀树、KBand、仿射空隙罚分KBand、Trie tree以及相似度矩阵共5种序列比对算法的单机、Hadoop软件(详细
PreMRMD 基于MRMD进行快速分类器参数寻优(详细
Easy_NegProtein 快速生成特定蛋白质的反例(详细
HPTree Server 基于HPTree构造DNA/RNA多重相似序列进化树方法之Web Server(详细
HAlign Server 基于HAlign快速DNA/RNA多重相似序列比对方法之Web Server(详细
MiPred Server 基于MiPred分类策略之Web Server(详细
TATA-Predict Server 用于分类Tata-binding蛋白质之Web Server(详细
BDSCyto Server 基于Best Dimension Search分类Cytokine蛋白质之Web Server(详细
Classify-Tutorial 蛋白质分类基础教程(详细



  1. Shixiang Wan and Quan Zou, HAlign-II: efficient ultra-large multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree reconstruction with distributed and parallel computing[J]. Algorithm for Molecular Biology, 2017, 12:25. (SCI, PMID: 29026435)
  2. Shixiang Wan, Yucong Duan, and Quan Zou. HPSLPred: An ensemble multi‐label classifier for human protein subcellular location prediction with imbalanced source[J]. Proteomics, 2017. (SCI, IF2015=4.079, PMID: 28776938)
  3. Wei Tang, Shixiang Wan, Zhen Yang, Andrew E. Teschendorff, Quan Zou. Tumor Origin Detection with Tissue-Specific miRNA and DNA methylation Markers. Bioinformatics. Doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx622. (SCI, IF2015=5.766, PMID: 29028927)
  4. Leyi Wei, Shixiang Wan, Jiasheng Guo and Kelvin KL Wong. A novel hierarchical selective ensemble classifier with bioinformatics application[J]. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2017. (SCI, PMID: 28245947)
  5. Quan Zou, Shixiang Wan, Jijun Tang and Xiangxiang Zeng, Pretata: predicting TATA binding proteins with novel features and dimensionality reduction strategy[J]. BMC Systems Biology, 2017, 10(4):114.
  6. Quan Zou, Shixiang Wan, Xiangxiang Zeng. HPTree: Reconstructing phylogenetic trees for ultra-large unaligned DNA sequences via NJ model and Hadoop[C]. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). IEEE Computer Society, 2016: 53-58.
  7. Quan Zou, Shixiang Wan, Bing Han and Zhihui Zhan, BDSCyto: An Automated Approach for Identifying Cytokines Based on Best Dimension Searching[C]. Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Springer International Publishing, 2016: 713-725.
  8. Yucong Duan, Nanjangud C Narendra, Honghao Gao, Mingdong Tang, Abdelrahman Osman Elfaki, Shixiang Wan, Junxing Lu. Variability based Approach for Minimizing over Design and under Design[C]. 2016, 54(1).
  9. Yucong Duan, Xiaobing Sun, Antonella Longo, Zhaoxin Lin, Shixiang Wan. Sorting Terms of "aaS" of Everything as a Service[J]. 2016, 4(1).
  10. 段玉聪, 高洪皓, 唐朝胜, 杜文才, 万世想, 卢俊星. 基于过设计与欠设计约束的服务质量控制方法[J]. 计算机工程与科学, 2015, 37(01): 84-92.
