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Huan Yang (杨欢)


2017-2020: Phd in Sun Yat-Sen University, Genetics, Tutor: Weizhong Li

2014-2017: MS in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Biophysics, Tutor: Hao Lin

2009-2014: BS in Harbin Medical University, Biotechnology

Work Experience

Yangtze Delta Region Institute(Quzhou) (2024.5-present):Associate Researcher

Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University(2021.5-2024.4):Postdoctor Mentor: Huiying Liang

Personal Information

Fullname: Huan Yang
Birthday: 30 July 1990
Job: Associate Researcher
E-mail: huanyang0730@163.com
Address: Yangtze Delta Region Institute, Quzhou, Zhejiang, 324000
Research Interests: Medical Artificial Intelligence; Bioinformatics; Computational Bioinformatics

  • 1. 基于肿瘤微环境动态多模态解析的晚期非小细胞肺癌免疫治疗响应预测模型,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2025.1-2027.12,30万,在研,主持

  • 2. 非小细胞肺癌乏氧微环境多模影像量化及免疫治疗有效性预测研究,广东省医学科学技术研究基金,2023.7-2025.6,1万,在研,主持

  • 3. 基于视网膜影像和基因组学联邦迁移学习的先心病围术期不良事件预测及机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023.1-2026.12,52万,在研,参与

  • 4. 巨噬细胞的极化异质性对卵巢癌腹水的分子调控机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.1-2022.12,55万,资助期满,参与
  • Publicions

  • 1. Yang H#, Wu H#, Kong L#, et al., Precise Detection of Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness Using Deep Learning Framework. NeuroImage, 2024;290:120580. (SCI-2[Top], IF 2023=5.7)

  • 2. Yang H#, Chen L#, Cheng Z#, et al., Deep learning-based six-type classifier for lung cancer and mimics from histopathological whole slide images: a retrospective study. BMC Medicine, 2021;19(1):80. (SCI-1[Top], IF 2020=8.775)

  • 3. Yang H, Tang H, et al., Identification of Secretory Proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Pseudo Amino Acid Composition. BioMed Research International, 2016;2016:5413903. (SCI-3, IF 2015=2.134)

  • 4. Chen Y#, Yang H#, et al., A whole-slide image (WSI)-based immunohistochemical feature prediction system improves the subtyping of lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2022;165:18-27. (SCI-2, IF 2021=6.081)

  • 5. Zhang W, Zhang H, Yang H, et al., Computational resources associating diseases with genotypes, phenotypes and exposures. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2019;20(6):2098-2115. (SCI-2[Top], IF 2018=9.1)

  • 6. Liao Z, Yan C, Wang J, Zhang N, Yang H, et al., A clinical consensus-compliant deep learning approach to quantitatively evaluate human in vitro fertilization early embryonic development with optical microscope images. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2024;149:102773. (SCI-2, IF 2023=7.5)

  • 7. 孔令聪,杨欢,胡联亭,等,. 基于眼心关联的先天性心脏病围手术期转归多实例预测。中国数字医学[J],2023:18(1):33-37。 (中文核心期刊)

  • 8. Zhang W#, Zeng B#, Yang M, Yang H, et al., A Manually Curated Database for Identification of Noncoding RNA Variants Associated with Human Diseases. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2021;433(11):166727. (SCI-2[Top], IF 2020=5.47)

  • 9. Yao G#, Zhang W#, Yang M, Yang H, et al., MicroPhenoDB Associates Metagenomic Data with Pathogenic Microbes, Microbial Core Genes, and Human Disease Phenotypes. Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2020;18(6):760-772. (SCI-1[Top], IF 2019=7.051)

  • 10. #Zhang T, #Tan P, #Wang L, #Jin N, Li Y, Zhang L, Huan Yang, et al., RNALocate: a resource for RNA Subcellular Localizations. Nucleic Acids Research, 2017;45(D1):D135-D138. (SCI-1[Top], IF 2016=10.162)

  • 11. Liang Z, Lai H, Yang H, et al., Pro54DB: a database for experimentally verified sigma-54 promoters. Bioinformatics, 2017;33(3): 467-469. (SCI-2, IF 2016=7.307)
  • Patents

  • 1. 姚国聪;杨欢;邹权;陈盛博;通过单细胞 Hi-C 生成不同分辨率插补结果的方法和系统,2024-9-29,中国,202411366869.8。 (快速预审)
  • Conference Presentations

  • 1. 杨欢;邹权;Deep Learning for Precision Medicine: Image-Based Applications in Complex Disease Diagnosis,第十三届全国生物信息学与系统生物学大会, 海口,2024年10月9日-12日。 (分会场报告)