

  • 邹    权   教    授     (电子科技大学)
  • 王春宇   教    授     (哈尔滨工业大学)
  • 曾湘祥   教    授     (湖南大学)
  • 牛梦婷   副研究员 (电子科技大学)
  • 陈瑶佳   博士生     (电子科技大学)
  • 曹    超   博士生     (电子科技大学)

  • 项目

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目:面向环状RNA的深度挖掘分析与功能研究(62231013)
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于重加权对抗图卷积网络的环状RNA与癌症关联预测研究及潜在肝癌生物标志物筛选(62473268)
  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于媒介分子模型的环状RNA与泛癌关联预测研究(62302341)
  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于深度学习的circRNA与RNA结合蛋白作用位点预测及可解释性研究(62303328)

  • 专利

  • 基于MapReduce并行的circRNA识别方法(专利号:ZL202010429009.X,发明人:邹权、牛梦婷)

  • 论文

    1. Xiangxiang Zeng, Wei Lin, Maozu Guo, Quan Zou*. A comprehensive overview and evaluation of circular RNA detection tools. PLoS Computational Biology. 2017,13(6): e1005420 (data and codes)(BibTeX, EndNote)谷歌学术引用
    2. Xiangxiang Zeng, Wei Lin, Maozu Guo, Quan Zou*. Details in the evaluation of circular RNA detection tools: Reply to Chen and Chuang. PLoS Computational Biology. 2019, 15(4): e1006916谷歌学术引用
    3. Xiangxiang Zeng*, Yue Zhong, Wei Lin, Quan Zou*. Predicting Disease-associated Circular RNAs Using Deep Forests Combined with Positive-Unlabeled Learning Methods. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2020, 21(4): 1425-1436.谷歌学术引用
    4. Mengting Niu, Jun Zhang, Yanjuan Li, Cankun Wang, Zhaoqian Liu, Hui Ding, Quan Zou*, Qin Ma*. CirRNAPL: A web server for the identification of circRNA based on extreme learning machine. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2020, 18: 834-842.谷歌学术引用
    5. Jiao Shihu, Wu Song, Huang Shan, Liu Mingyang, Gao Bo. Advances in the Identification of Circular RNAs and Research Into circRNAs in Human Diseases. Frontiers in Genetics. 2021;12: 665233.
    6. Mengting Niu, Ying Ju, Chen Lin*, Quan Zou*. Characterizing Viral circRNAs and their Application in Identifying CircRNAs in Viruses. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022, 23(1): bbab404.谷歌学术引用
    7. Mengting Niu, Quan Zou, Chen Lin*. CRBPDL: identification of circRNA-RBP interaction sites using an ensemble neural network approach. PLoS Computational Biology. 2022, 18(1): e1009798.谷歌学术引用
    8. Mengting Niu, Quan Zou*, Chunyu Wang*. GMNN2CD: Identification of circRNA–disease associations based on variational inference and graph Markov neural networks. Bioinformatics. 2022, 38(8): 2246-2253.谷歌学术引用
    9. Yaojia Chen, Yanpeng Wang, Yijie Ding, Xi Su, Chunyu Wang. RGCNCDA: Relational Graph Convolutional Network improve circRNA-disease associations prediction by incorporating microRNAs. Computers in Biology and Medicine.2022, 143: 105322
    10. Yaojia Chen, Jiacheng Wang, Chunyu Wang, Mingxin Liu*, Quan Zou*. Deep learning models for disease-associated circRNA prediction: a review. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022, 23(6): bbac364.谷歌学术引用
    11. Chao Cao, Chunyu Wang, Shuhong Yang, Quan Zou*. CircSI-SSL: circRNA-binding site identification based on self-supervised learning. Bioinformatics. 2024, 40(1): btae004. (codes)谷歌学术引用
    12. Mengting Niu, Chunyu Wang, Zhanguo Zhang*, Quan Zou*. A computational model of circRNA-associated diseases based on a graph neural network: prediction and case studies for follow-up experimental validation. BMC Biology. 2024, 22:24. (codes)谷歌学术引用
    13. Yaojia Chen, Jiacheng Wang, Chunyu Wang, Quan Zou*. AutoEdge-CCP: A Novel Approach for Predicting Cancer-Associated CircRNAs and Drugs based on Automated Edge Embedding. PLoS Computational Biology. 2024, 20(1): e1011851 (codes)谷歌学术引用
    14. Mengting Niu, Chunyu Wang, Yaojia Chen, Quan Zou, Lei Xu*. Identification, characterization and expression analysis of circRNA encoded by SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2024, 25(2): bbad537.谷歌学术引用
    15. Mengting Niu, Chunyu Wang, Yaojia Chen, Quan Zou, Ren Qi*, Lei Xu*. CircRNA identification and feature interpretability analysis. BMC Biology. 2024, 22:44.谷歌学术引用
    16. Yuanyi Tian, Quan Zou, Chunyu Wang, Cangzhi Jia. MAMLCDA: A meta-learning model for predicting circRNA-disease association based on MAML combined with CNN. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2024, 28(7): 4325-4335.谷歌学术引用
    17. Mengting Niu, Yaojia Chen, Chunyu Wang, Quan Zou, Lei Xu*. Computational approaches for circRNA-disease association prediction: A review. Frontiers of Computer Sciences. 2025, 19(4): 194904.

    18. 最后修改时间:2024.10.3