Deep learning papers on sequence classification


DNA/RNA Chapter

  1. iEnhancer-ECNN: identifying enhancers and their strength using ensembles of convolutional neural networks
  2. ▲ Authors: Quang H. Nguyen, Thanh-Hoang Nguyen-Vo, Nguyen Quoc Khanh Le, Trang T.T. Do, Susanto Rahardja* and Binh P. Nguyen*

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Genomics, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:enhancers

    ▲ Samples:742 strong enhancers, 742 weak enhancers, 1484 non- enhancers.

    Data Download (240KB)

  3. Classifying Promoters by Interpreting the Hidden Information of DNA Sequences via Deep Learning and Combination of Continuous FastText N-Grams
  4. ▲ Authors: Nguyen Quoc Khanh Le*, Edward Kien Yee Yapp, N. Nagasundaram and Hui-Yuan Yeh*

    ▲ Periodical: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:promoter

    ▲ Samples:1591 strong core promoters, 1791 weak core promoters, 3382 non-promoter sequences.

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  5. Deep neural networks for human microRNA precursor detection
  6. ▲ Authors: Xueming Zheng, Xingli Fu, Kaicheng Wang and Meng Wang*

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2020

    ▲ Classification target: human microRNA precursor

    ▲ Samples:1881 positive samples, 8492 negative samples.

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  7. BiRen: predicting enhancers with a deep-learning-based model using the DNA sequence alone
  8. ▲ Authors: Bite Yang, Feng Liu, Chao Ren, Zhangyi Ouyang, Ziwei Xie, Xiaochen Bo* and Wenjie Shu*

    ▲ Periodical: Bioinformatics, 2017

    ▲ Classification target:enhancers

    ▲ Samples:datasets of human and mouse.

    Data Download (5.45GB), network disk extraction code is jhl7

Proteins/Peptide Chapter

  1. On the prediction of DNA-binding proteins only from primary sequences: A deep learning approach
  2. ▲ Authors: Yu-Hui Qu, Hua Yu, Xiu-Jun Gong*, Jia-Hui Xu, Hong-Shun Lee

    ▲ Periodical: PLOS ONE, 2017

    ▲ Classification target:DNA-binding proteins

    ▲ Samples:42,257 DNA-binding, 341,481 non-DNA-binding.

    Data Download (80.7MB)

  3. SNARE-CNN: a 2D convolutional neural network architecture to identif SNARE proteins from high-throughput sequencing data
  4. ▲ Authors: Nguyen Quoc Khanh Le and Van-Nui Nguyen

    ▲ Periodical: PeerJ Computer Science, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:SNARE proteins

    ▲ Samples:682 SNARE proteins, 2583 non-SNARE proteins.

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  5. Computational identification of vesicular transport proteins from sequences using deep gated recurrent units architecture
  6. ▲ Authors: Nguyen Quoc Khanh Le*, Edward Kien Yee Yapp, N. Nagasundaram, Matthew Chin Heng Chua, Hui-Yuan Yeh*

    ▲ Periodical: Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:vesicular transport proteins

    ▲ Samples:2533 vesicular transport proteins and 9086 non-vesicular transport proteins.

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  7. Predicting RNA–protein binding sites and motifs through combining local and global deep convolutional neural networks
  8. ▲ Authors: Xiaoyong Pan* and Hong-Bin Shen*

    ▲ Periodical: Bioinformatics, 2018

    ▲ Prediction target:RNA–protein binding sites and motifs

    ▲ Samples:24 experiments of 21 RBPs and 47 RBPs with over 2000 binding sites.

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  9. Accurate classification of membrane protein types based on sequence and evolutionary information using deep learning
  10. ▲ Authors: Lei Guo, Shunfang Wang*, Mingyuan Li and Zicheng Cao

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:membrane protein types

    ▲ Samples:two datasets with 8 membrane protein types

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  11. DeepEP: a deep learning framework for identifying essential proteins
  12. ▲ Authors: Min Zeng, Min Li*, Fang-Xiang Wu, Yaohang Li and Yi Pan

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:essential proteins

    ▲ Samples: three kinds of biological datasets

    Data Download (19.6 MB)

  13. Classification of adaptor proteins using recurrent neural networks and PSSM profiles
  14. ▲ Authors: Nguyen Quoc Khanh Le, Quang H. Nguyen, Xuan Chen, Susanto Rahardja* and Binh P. Nguyen*

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:adaptor proteins

    ▲ Samples: 1,224 adaptor proteins and 11,078 non-adaptor proteins

    Data Download (246 MB) (PSSM profiles)

  15. DeepMito: accurate prediction of protein sub-mitochondrial localization using convolutional neural networks
  16. ▲ Authors:Castrense Savojardo, Niccolò Bruciaferri, Giacomo Tartari, Pier Luigi Martelli*, Rita Casadio

    ▲ Periodical: Bioinformatics, 2019

    ▲ Prediction target:protein submitochondrial cellular localization

    ▲ Samples: three datasets

    Data and Code Download (18.8 MB)

  17. Antimicrobial peptide identification using multi-scale convolutional network
  18. ▲ Authors: Xin Su, Jing Xu, Yanbin Yin, Xiongwen Quan and Han Zhang*

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:Antimicrobial peptide

    ▲ Samples:four datasets with positive samples and negative samples

    Data Download (488KB)

  19. MiPepid: MicroPeptide identification tool using machine learning
  20. ▲ Authors:Mengmeng Zhu and Michael Gribskov*

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2019

    ▲ Classification target: MicroPeptide

    ▲ Samples:4017 positive samples, 2936 negative samples

    Data Download (0.99MB)

  21. DeepSig: deep learning improves signal peptide detection in proteins
  22. ▲ Authors:Castrense Savojardo, Pier Luigi Martelli*, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio

    ▲ Periodical: Bioinformatics, 2018

    ▲ Classification target:signal peptide

    ▲ Samples:three datasets

    Data Download (1.40MB)

  23. DeepAVP: a dual-channel deep neural network for identifying variable-length antiviral peptides
  24. ▲ Authors:Jiawei Li, Yuqian Pu, Jijun Tang*, Quan Zou*, Fei Guo*

    ▲ Periodical: IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 2020

    ▲ Classification target:variable-length antiviral peptides

    ▲ Samples:two datasets,and the new datasets obtain 413 AVPs and 348 non-AVPs

    Data Download (98KB)

Interactions Chapter

  1. iProDNA-CapsNet: identifying protein-DNA binding residues using capsule neural networks
  2. ▲ Authors: Binh P. Nguyen*, Quang H. Nguyen, Giang-Nam Doan-Ngoc, Thanh-Hoang Nguyen-Vo and Susanto Rahardja*

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2019

    ▲ Classification target:protein-DNA binding residues

    ▲ Samples:10,283 positive samples, 149,016 negative samples.

    Data Download (155KB)

  3. RPITER: A Hierarchical Deep Learning Framework for ncRNA–Protein Interaction Prediction
  4. ▲ Authors: Cheng Peng, Siyu Han, Hui Zhang and Ying Li*

    ▲ Periodical: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019

    ▲ Prediction target:ncRNA–Protein Interaction

    ▲ Samples:four datasets with interaction paris and non-interaction paris

    Data Download (5.12MB)

  5. RPI-SE: a stacking ensemble learning framework for ncRNA-protein interactions prediction using sequence information
  6. ▲ Authors: Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhu-Hong You* , Mei-Neng Wang, Zhen-Hao Guo, Yan-Bin Wang and Ji-Ren Zhou

    ▲ Periodical: BMC Bioinformatics, 2020

    ▲ Prediction target:ncRNA-protein interactions

    ▲ Samples:three datasets with interaction paris and non-interaction paris

    Data Download (2.34 MB)

  7. A multimodal deep learning framework for predicting drug-drug interaction events
  8. ▲ Authors: Deng, Yifan; Xu, Xinran; Qiu, Yang; Xia, Jingbo; Zhang, Wen*; Liu, Shichao*

    ▲ Periodical: Bioinformatics, 2020

    ▲ Prediction target:drug-drug interaction events

    ▲ Samples:The dataset consists of 4 tables include drug, event, extraction, event_numer

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last update: 2020-6-1

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