We try to employ latest parallel computation techniques to solve bioinformatics big data problem. The latest parallel techniques include GPU, MIC, Hadoop, Spark, etc. The bioinformatics problems include:
Quan Zou*, Xubin Li, Wenrui Jiang, Ziyu Lin, Guilin Li, Ke Chen. Survey of MapReduce Frame Operation in Bioinformatics. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2014,15(4): 637-647. (SCI, IF2017=6.302, PMID: 23396756)(BibTeX, EndNote)
Quan Zou*, Qinghua Hu, Maozu Guo, Guohua Wang*. HAlign: Fast Multiple Similar DNA/RNA Sequence Alignment Based on the Centre Star Strategy. Bioinformatics. 2015,31(15): 2475-2481. (SCI, IF2017=5.481, PMID: 25812743) (Software)(该软件被OMICTOOLS推荐)(BibTeX, EndNote)
Quan Zou, Shixiang Wan, Xiangxiang Zeng, Zhanshan Sam Ma. Reconstructing evolutionary trees in parallel for massive sequences. BMC Systems Biology. 2017, 11(Suppl 6): 100 (web server)
Runxin Guo, Yi Zhao, Quan Zou, Xiaodong Fang, Shaoliang Peng*. Bioinformatics applications on Apache Spark. GigaScience. 2018, 7(8): giy098 (PMID: 30101283)
Wenhe Su, Xiangke Liao, Yutong Lu, Quan Zou*, Shaoliang Peng*. Multiple Sequence Alignment Based on a Suffix Tree and Center-Star Strategy: A Linear Method for Multiple Nucleotide Sequence Alignment on Spark Parallel Framework. Journal of Computational Biology. 2017, 24(12): 1230-1242 (SCI, IF2017=1.191, PMID: 29116822) (codes)(该软件被OMICTOOLS推荐)(BibTeX, EndNote)
Shixiang Wan, Quan Zou. HAlign-II: efficient ultra-large multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree reconstruction with distributed and parallel computing. Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 2017,12: 25 (SCI, IF2015=1.439, PMID: 29026435 ) (Software)(BibTeX, EndNote)
Xi Chen, Chen Wang, Shanjiang Tang, Ce Yu, Quan Zou. CMSA: A heterogeneous CPU/GPU computing system for multiple similar RNA/DNA sequence alignment. BMC Bioinformatics. 2017, 18: 315 (Software) (SCI, IF2012=3.02, PMID: 28646874)
Yuming Zhao, Quan Zou, Yi Jiang, Guohua Wang. A Graphic Processing Unit Web Server for Computing Correlation Coefficients for Gene Expression Data. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2015, 12(4):582-584. (SCI , IF2010=2.22)
Dong Dong, Wenhe Su, Wenqiang Shi, Quan Zou*, Shaoliang Peng*. VCSRA: A fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment algorithm with a high degree of parallelism. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2018, 45(7): 407-410 (SCI, IF2016=4.051, PMID: 30054215) (codes)