Realigners based on horizontal partitioningSplit an alignment into groups of whole sequences, which are then merged together by realigning between groups, possibly using each group’s induced subalignment. 1. ReAligner (1997)In each iteration has a traversal of all sequence:
Until the alignment score saturates to a stable value.
2. Remove First method (2005)In each iteration:
Until the score converges or the reach the limit of iterations.
3. TreeRefiner (2005)This realigner is based on three-dimensional alignment rather than using an iterative approach.
4. REFINER (2006)This realigner is similar to RF method but aims to realign the sequences with the family block models representing conserved sequence/structure regions. In each iteration:
Until the alignment score saturates to a stable value or until the iteration cycle terminates.
5. ReformAlign (2014)In each iteration:
Until the alignment between two successive runs remains unchanged or a predefined maximum number of iterations is reached.
Realigners based on vertical partitioningRealigners based on vertical and horizontal partitioningRealignment in MSA toolsVertical-oriented realignment in MSA toolsHorizontal-oriented realignment in MSA tools |