使用IQTree和INDELible生成层次树模拟数据集IQTree是一款构建进化树的软件,INDELible是一款依据进化树生成模拟数据的软件,两者结合使用可以生成层次树模拟数据集。 使用示例IQTree生成碱基替换模型和进化树注意:
例如: 人类线粒体真实数据集有642条,我们希望最终使用INDELible生成100条人类线粒体模拟数据。
# 1. 使用MAFFT等多序列比对软件将数据比对好(IQTree的输入数据是对齐好的序列) # 生成碱基替换模型的数据集 $ mafft example_all.fas > example_all_aligned.fas # 生成进化树的数据集 $ mafft example_100.fas > example_100_aligned.fas # 2. 运行IQTree # -s 输入数据, -B bootstrap次数, -m 测试模型, -T 并行数, --prefix 输出结果的前缀 # 不同版本的参数略有区别,具体使用方法查看./iqtree -h # 生成碱基替换模型 $ ./iqtree -s PATH/example_all_aligned.fas -B 1000 -m TEST -T 20 --prefix example_model # 生成进化树 $ ./iqtree -s PATH/example_100_aligned.fas -B 1000 -m TEST -T 20 --prefix example_tree # 3. 查看example_model.iqtree文件确定碱基替换模型 # example_model.iqtree文件中的重要信息(模型和参数,这些需要输入到INDELible的control.txt中): # Model list: 确定碱基替换模型 # General matrix: 确定替换模型的参数(a b c d e f) # Base frequencies: A: xxx C: xxx G: xxx T: xxx # Proportion of invariable sites: xxx # Gamma shape alpha: xxx # 4. 将example_tree.treefile文件中的冒号和冒号后的数字删除得到进化树 使用INDELible生成模拟数据集最关键的是:修改control.txt文件 依据IQTree得到的碱基替换模型和进化树修改control.txt中的如下字段:
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // INDELible V1.03 control file - basicnucleotide.txt // // // // A basic introduction to the structure of the INDELible control file. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // It is useful to know that anything on a line after two forward slashes is ignored. /* Another useful thing to know is that anything after a forward slash and star is ignored until INDELible sees a star followed by a forward slash later on. */ [TYPE] NUCLEOTIDE 1 // EVERY control file must begin with a [TYPE] command. // The number after "NUCLEOTIDE" can be 1 or 2 and chooses the // algorithm that INDELible uses (see manuscript). Both give // identical results but in some cases one is quicker. // Other blocks and commands following this statement // can come in any order you like. [SETTINGS] [ancestralprint] FALSE // NEW, SAME or FALSE [output] FASTA // FASTA, NEXUS, PHYLIP or PHYLIPT [phylipextension] phy // any alpha-numeric string [nexusextension] nex // any alpha-numeric string [fastaextension] fas // any alpha-numeric string [printrates] FALSE // FALSE or TRUE [insertaslowercase] FALSE // FALSE or TRUE [markdeletedinsertions] FALSE // FALSE or TRUE [printcodonsasaminoacids] FALSE // FALSE or TRUE [fileperrep] TRUE // FALSE or TRUE [MODEL] TVM_mt [submodel] TVM 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.04 // TVM: b=0.01, c=0.01, d=0.04, e=0.04,a=f=1 [statefreq] 0.25 0.31 0.31 0.13 // pi_T=0.25, pi_C=0.31, pi_A=0.31, pi_G=0.13 [rates] 0.84 1.03 4 // pinv=0.84, alpha=1.03, ngamcat=4 [indelmodel] LAV 5 50 // Lavalette indel length distribution (a=5, M=50) [insertrate] 0.01 // insertion rate = 0.01 relative to substitution rate of 1 [deleterate] 0.1 // deletion rate = 0.1 relative to substitution rate of 1 [TREE] mt100 (sq001,(((((((sq002,(sq044,sq053)),((sq024,sq077),sq071)),(sq052,sq065)),((sq014,(sq040,sq066)),sq076)),((((((((((((sq003,sq034),sq028),((((sq008,(sq018,sq029)),(sq037,sq056)),(((sq022,sq033),sq050),sq080)),(sq055,sq099))),((((((sq016,sq081),sq085),sq084),(((sq026,sq059),sq035),(sq047,sq069))),sq051),sq060)),sq091),(((sq010,sq041),sq082),sq094)),((sq012,sq062),(sq025,sq075))),((sq007,(sq046,sq087)),(((((((sq011,(sq021,sq089)),(sq067,sq096)),((sq039,sq079),sq093)),sq063),sq057),(sq015,sq054)),(sq032,(sq073,sq095))))),(((sq045,sq070),sq078),sq072)),((sq013,(((sq030,sq048),sq036),sq088)),(sq064,sq090))),(sq042,sq100)),sq058)),(((((((sq004,sq009),sq043),sq023),sq083),sq038),sq017),(((sq005,sq092),(((sq006,sq098),(sq031,sq097)),sq074)),sq049))),((sq019,sq086),((sq020,sq061),sq027))),sq068); [treelength] 0.22 [branchlengths] NON-ULTRAMETRIC [PARTITIONS] partitionname // [PARTITIONS] blocks say which models go with [mt100 TVM_mt 16000] // which trees and define the length of the // sequence generated at the root (1000 here). [EVOLVE] partitionname 10 tl0022 // This will generate 100 replicate datasets // from the [PARTITIONS] block named above. // The true alignment will be output in a file named outputname_TRUE.phy // The unaligned sequences will be output in a file named outputname.fas // To learn how to implement more complicated simulations (or different // models) please consult the manual or the other example control files.s 参考:INDELible官方网站对control.txt字段的详细介绍 使用示例:
# INDELible使用方法
$ ./indelible PATH/control.txt
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